Podiatry Residency Program
Cleveland Clinic Foundation / Surgical Hospital of Oklahoma, LLC
Podiatric Medicine & Surgery – 36
The Surgical Hospital of Oklahoma in conjunction with Cleveland Clinic Foundation offers a fully accredited three-year Podiatry Residency Program. At the Surgical Hospital of Oklahoma, you will receive broad clinical experience in all aspects of podiatry to prepare you for your choice of a community-based or academic career. You’ll have access to advanced foot and ankle surgical procedures and techniques, as well as a vast array of research opportunities to further prepare you for clinical care or an academic career.
Our diverse and extensive academic program allows residents to gain the most up-to-date information on all aspects of medical management pertaining to the practice of podiatry. We welcome the opportunity to show you how well we can help you shape your education – and your future.
Program Information
- 1st year at CCF under the direction of Pat McKee, DPM.
- 2nd and 3rd year at SHO under the direction of Jody Rose, DPM.
- Podiatrists:
- Anderson, Charles
- Carson, Matthew
- Filkins, Megan
- Golda, Kenneth R.
- Green, Chris J.
- Hardison, Lance
- Jones, Alaina
- Knight, Chad
- Morris, Scott
- Plants, Nicholas
- Rohde, Greg
- Straehla, Leila
- Thomas, Timothy
- Wallace, Trent
- Rose, Jody G.
- Bean, Gordon James
Employee handbook
Employee contract
Application Requirements
Graduates of accredited colleges of podiatric medicine are eligible to apply for podiatric residency programs approved by CPME through CASPR. See the CASPR Web site ( https://www.cpme.org/residencies/ResidencyDetail.cfm?ItemNumber=4355 ) for specific requirements.
Lecture series
Online by Present. These are done at least once or twice weekly.
Seminar attendance requirements
- AO internal fixation (ACFAS course if it is available)
- Ankle Arthroscopy and use of Holmium Laser (ACFAS)
- ACFAS courses: External Fixation, Taylor Spacial Frame, Arthrodesis Toe to Ankle, or other subject as they become available.
- State Meetings of Oklahoma, two per year (The resident is required to give a presentation at both meetings)
Journal Club
Done monthly with key leaders.
List of rotations:
General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Podiatric Surgery.
Office rotations are done monthly with attending surgeons.
Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Rheumatology, Vascular Medicine, Lower Extremity Ulcer Center, Endocrinology, Emergency Medicine, Radiology, Psychiatry, Anesthesiology, Podiatric Medicine and Surgery.
For more information on Podiatry Residency Program contact