General Surgery

General Surgery

General surgery involves a central core of knowledge embracing anatomy, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, shock and resuscitation, intensive care, and neoplasia, which are common to all surgical specialties. Here at Surgical Hospital of Oklahoma, our specialists are leaders in diagnosing and treating most common diseases.

Our surgeons utilize advanced procedures and special techniques to improve health, minimize hospital stays, and speed-up the recovery process so patients can get back to living their lives as normal.

Areas of Surgical Expertise

Surgical Hospital of Oklahoma is dedicated to providing the most advanced care by the most experienced surgeons. The following are our areas of General Surgery expertise:

  • Bariatric Surgery

  • Abdominal Area

  • Chest and Upper Torso

  • Skin

  • Endocrine System

  • Pediatric Surgery

  • Spinal Injuries